Barometer Logger – Day 2

After completing the LED blinker, the “Hello world” for micro controller projects, the next thing is just going straight to the barometer sensor.
I first need to get the driver for BMP280 from Adafruit. The page has the list of compatible MCUs tested by them. This doesn’t include ESP32C3 so I thought the road ahead could be rough.
I downloaded the repository with a zip file, unzipped it and then opened one of the example code “bmp280test.ino” from the IDE. I compiled it and had an error saying it’s missing a header file “Adafruit_BMP280.h” which resides in a different directory. I didn’t know how to add multiple source code to the project.
While trying to find the solution, I found “Add .ZIP library” menu under “Include Library”. I then thought maybe I could just add the repository .zip file to the project. As expected, it worked!
I then had another error saying it misses I2C driver files from Adafruit. I soon found the driver’s repository, added the zip file to the project. Had another missing file, repeated the same process and then I could build the project. In total, I had to add three libraries from Adafruit as below. Anyway, adding a zip file as a library was very easy and straightforward.

Extra 3 libraries to be added

I then connected the BMP280 board with the controller using I2C. Run the code and then immediately found the temperature and air pressure values in the terminal!

Terminal output
Connecting ESP32C3 and BMP280

I expected I could struggle with I2C connection or sensor settings but there was nothing wrong. It just worked.

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